Leon Stefanija. Naslov * Address: Oddelek za muzikologijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, tel. + 386 1 241 1434, e-mail: leon.stefanija@ff.uni-lj.si

slovenska glasba 20. stoletja, glasbeno spoznavoslovje, teorija glasbe, sociologija glasbe, psihologija glasbe. O poučevanju v tekočem letu so podatki dostopni na naslovu: https://urnik.ff.uni-lj.si/


epistemology of music research, music theory, Slovenian contemporary music, sociology of music, psychology of music. About this current courses see: https://urnik.ff.uni-lj.si/ 


Član uredniškega odbora, Journal of Urban Culture Research (JUCER)
Član recenzentskega odbora zbirke Methodology of Music Research (Peter Lang Verlag), ur. Nico Schüler
Član uredniškega odbora, Menotyra / Studies in Art, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute
Član uredniškega odbora Lietuvos muzikologija
Član uredniškega odbora revije Muzika, Muzička akademija Univerze v Sarajevu in Muzikološko društvo FBiH
Član uredniškega odbora, Muzikološki zbornik
Član uredniškega odbora, Ars Academica 
Član recenzentskega odbora, South Central Music Bulletin (SCMB)
Član sveta, Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies”
Spletni urednik, TheMA – Open Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts

Member of the Editotial Board, Journal of Urban Culture Research (JUCER)
Review Board Member for the book series Methodology of Music Research (Peter Lang Verlag), Ed. Nico Schüler
Member of the editorial board, Menotyra / Studies in Art, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute.
Member of the editorial board of Lietuvos muzikologija
Member, editorial board, Musicological Annual
Member of the Editorial Board, Ars Academica 
Member of the editorial board, Muzika, Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo, Musicological Society of FB&H.
Member, review board, South Central Music Bulletin (SCMB)
Member, steering committee, Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies”
Online Editor, TheMA – Open Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts

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